How to get
Peter Mörtl
3 days of immersion in meditation
rid of uncertainty
Start to see your future and create it using
in life
meditation techniques
One of the most disturbing things in life is that you don’t know what awaits you tomorrow…
Will you have money?
What will happen to your career or business?
Will you have a happy relationship?
Will you be healthy?
What if I say that you can not only get rid of uncertainty about the future but also learn how to influence the future?
I started meditating daily since 2007, after realising how important a role our mind plays in creating the reality we call 'our life'.
Peter Mörtl
Why do you need to meditate?
There is a simple cause-and-effect relationship
For example, to have a healthy, beautiful body, you need to eat right and exercise.
But to have great achievements in life, you need to deal with your mind.
Yes, your mind is the basis of any change..
What affects the amount of money you earn?

What makes it possible to create better relationships?

What keeps you in a good mood?
Your mind
What do those who already meditate regularly say?
Why are you still not meditating?
The mass media has instilled that meditation is "listening to music and calming down to someone’s pleasant voice."
And someone also pushed the idea that meditation belongs to esoterics or something mystical.
As a result, most people do not take meditation seriously and use it incorrectly.
Or they try it once and quit without any visible results.
How to get started correctly and easily?
Meditation is concentration on an object.
To get powerful results in life, you need
2 things:
Know HOW to meditate properly

Have the right OBJECT for meditation
This is exactly what we will dedicate a 3-day mini-course to.
What awaits you in these 3 days?
Immersion in the theory and practice of meditation.
These technologies have been tested and honed by generations for several thousand years now.
These are NOT esotericism, but specific tools for working with your mind.
how to get rid of uncertainty in life
In 3 days you will learn:
how to see your future
how to create the future of your dreams through meditation
Who is leading the 3-day retreat?
Peter Mörtl
I started meditating in 2007, and since then I have been meditating daily.

I have trained more than 10,000 students worldwide in the framework of the ACI, DCI training programs.

I have completed eight 1-month retreats with full immersion in meditation.

My teachers have completed 3-year meditation retreats.
Register now!
Why you should not miss it?
It's simple — without coming to the broadcast, you will not learn HOW to meditate properly.
As a result, you will:
start meditating every day.
know how much your mind can change your life.
learn how to get rid of the uncertainty in your life.
have tools to create your future.
Let's remove all these “NOT”
Come to the 3-day mini-course and see with your own eyes how important meditation is and that it is a real revolution for the lives of modern people.
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